Selling Land
Frequently Asked Questions
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Sell Your Land
Questions about selling your land?
See our frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find your answer below, please feel free to contact us.

DML make the whole process completely hands off for the landowner. We take care of every aspect allowing you to get on with your day to day life and still reap the rewards at the end.

DML are generally paid on a success only basis. We take an agreed percentage of the uplift in value of the site (we will have an independent valuation agreed at the outset) The amount can vary dependent on the level of risk taken between either party. To put it simply – we only make money if you do.

We are able to shoulder upfront costs during the planning process and will agree with you a suitable remuneration package for taking on upfront risks.

Using our industry contacts we would be able to get you an offer before the planning process, so someone else can take on the risk. Although we’d always advise seeing the application through to get best value for your land.

At DML we make sure this process runs as smoothly and quickly as possible. In most instances we would expect to be through the planning process within 6 months. However, the complexity of the application can have a large effect on the time scales.

We aim to get you a brief development appraisal back within 1 week of our site visit. In which time we will discuss with our professional planning partners to ascertain the best route forward.

Once we have an acceptable plan to take to the local authority we will be able to run a “residual” valuation to arrive at the potential new land value (subject to planning permission grant)

DML has industry leading experience in property investment, planning gain and development along with a long track history in sales. We are the perfect partner to bring a site right through the planning process and maximise your returns at the final stage.

Still Have Questions?

Speak to one of our friendly and experienced team to discuss your land options today.